With the upcoming reading of Dr. Caroline Johnson's bill regarding disposable vapes due on March 24th, it is important that we look at both the benefits of disposable vapes and how we can effectively tackle the rising problems without restricting access to the single most effective quitting aid available to adult smokers.
We can all agree that there are two major issues with the disposable vape market that need addressing:
However, finding a solution to these problems should also take into account the often ignored benefits of the products.
If we are serious about a Smokefree 2030, then these products could play a major role in achieving that goal - and we can still combat the two big negatives listed above.
It is actually possible to tackle a huge proportion of the waste issue and significantly reduce youth access with one simple change to the regulations!
Currently, UK regulations limit the eliquid capacity of a disposable vape to 2ml maximum. If this limitation was raised to 10ml it would have a massive impact.
It may seem counterintuitive at first, but please bear with me.
Disposables by their nature contain a lithium-ion battery which is only used once and is a major problem in terms of the waste produced. However, if the eliquid capacity is raised to 10ml then a charging port can be added to the device and the same battery can be re-used 5-6 times before the eliquid runs out. This will reduce battery waste by 80% straight away (one battery in one device instead of five batteries in five devices).
It will also significantly reduce other associated waste (plastic, aluminium, etc) as the materials needed to construct one larger device is far below the sum of five smaller devices.
This buys us time. Both the vape industry and the waste and recycling industry are already innovating new methods to make the recycling of disposable vape products much easier. Some ideas involve making the device very easy and safe to disassemble, which allows for effective recycling. Others are looking into alternative battery technology which does not involve lithium. They just need time to come to fruition.
In the same way that removing 10-packs of cigarettes had a huge impact on the reduction of youth access to cigarettes, increasing the eliquid capacity of disposable vapes will have the same effect.
Currently, a disposable vape costs between £4-6, which unfortunately makes them financially attainable to those under 18 years old. When we increase the eliquid capacity to 10ml the cost of the products will rise significantly, bringing them into parity with 20 cigarettes at around £12-15. We can price them out.
This is by no means the only action needed to tackle youth access, but it will be a hugely positive step in the right direction. We urgently need a compulsory national test purchasing scheme to catch rogue traders selling to children and impose very heavy fines as a real deterrent, but we will cover this in a separate piece.
It is well documented that prohibition always leads to a rise in criminal activity.
Unfortunately, we already have a thriving black market for illegal vape products in the UK. The media has been awash with stories about over-capacity products which have not been notified with the MHRA and are devoid of any safety testing. They are being found by Trading Standards, the police, and the UK border force - but this is just the tip of the iceberg.
You can find these illegal products on every high street, in every town and city up and down the nation. And they aren't even hidden under the counter, they are in plain view on the shelves. If we can't tackle the current problem, how are we going to tackle it when it is pushed underground? It should come as no surprise that anyone willing to sell such illegal products will also be prepared to sell to underage children. It will actually make the situation much, much worse.
Until we have much greater enforcement of the current regulations, any additional restrictions will simply push more and more business into the hands of organised crime.
And by legitimising the larger capacity devices we will actually take away the demand for the illegal ones. We must be honest, the reason the larger devices are so prevalent is because the consumer wants them. Adult smokers in the UK looking to switch to vaping want bigger devices. If they go through the regulatory process and we can be sure of their safety, why shouldn't they be allowed? It's better for the environment, it's better for the consumer's pocket, and importantly, it is better for achieving Smokefree 2030.
Does a higher eliquid capacity constitute a safety concern? It's a fair question to ask.
I'm sure you will have seen a recent story in the media regarding a popular brand of disposable vape being overfilled. It was discovered that some of their products contained 3.2ml of e-liquid rather than the UK limit of 2ml.
It is shocking that such a big brand has placed non-compliant products on the market, but the MHRA has made it very clear that it is a regulatory issue and NOT a safety issue. This is precisely why there has not been a consumer recall of the product - they pose the user no danger.
Provided the products have been through the correct regulatory process and are notified with the MHRA, then we can be sure that the product is safe for consumers.
Yes, you did read that correctly. Unfortunately, the wording of the UK regulations has left a massive loophole, and we just don't know how much of an impact it is having.
The age restrictions for vaping products are not covered in the TRPR but are in fact part of the Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations of 2015.
I wish I didn't have to point this out, but they ONLY cover products that contain nicotine or are capable of containing nicotine. However, due to the nature of a disposable device being a closed unit, a non-nicotine-containing disposable is not capable of containing nicotine e-liquid as it cannot be refilled. Therefore there is currently no age restriction for 0mg/ml disposable products - which is outrageous, and shows that the regulations are not fit for purpose.
I know that the vast majority of vape specialists treat all products the same and enforce an over-18 policy on the sale of non-nicotine-containing disposables. But I cannot speak for other retailers.
So, how many of the underage people vaping are actually doing so legally because of the gap in the law? I can't tell you, but I can tell you that the law needs to be changed as soon as possible.
And that's coming from the vape industry! Honestly, we are not tobacco stooges, we do not want your children to start vaping and get hooked on nicotine, we just want to help as many adult smokers as possible to kick the habit. Please work with us not against us.